Tour du Mont Blanc: Chamonix to La Flegere
Sunday 1st August
We drove to Chamonix, put the car into a parking station, and then caught
a taxi to the zoo Parc Merlet. Starting here instead of in Les Houches
saved us 500 metres of climbing, on a not so exciting section of track.
It ws sunny but cool, with a bit of breeze and some shade to start with.
The track climbs steadily through the conifers, then opens out onto
grassy slopes.
We stopped for drinks at Refuge Bellachat, then continued.
We stopped for lunch (sandwiches we'd made in the morning) below Le
Brevent, looking out over a pretty little lake and with serried mountain ranges in the distance.
There were some great views from Le Brevent, which turned out to be the
highest point we reached on the trip.
There were lots of people around, with many doing day trips from the
top of the cable car — it was also a Sunday. There is a small ecology
display here.
From Le Brevent the track winds through rockier landscapes, with
little grass and some patches of snow/ice.

Refuge La Flegere was our first alpine refuge. It wasn't full, so the
four of us had a six bed room to ourselves.
Dinner was a four course meal: a rice, tuna and tomato salad entree
(boring), a potato/bacon/cheese melt with preserved meats on the side
(good, though something green would have been nice), a cheese plate,
and desert (excellent: I went for the chocolate mousse, the others had
the apple tart).
While waiting at the table there was a dramatic hailstorm, complete with
lightning and thunder and sudden gloom. But it only lasted five minutes
and then blew over.
Monday 2nd August
Breakfast involved fresh croissants, cornflakes, bread and jams, and
coffee out of a coffee machine with a bean-grinder on top!
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