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spires from Carfax


a conference on the Great War

Books + Ideas — September 2014

I spent the weekend at a conference "The Meaning of 1914", organised by the New York Review of Books to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the Great War, but held at St Antony's College here in Oxford. more

climate science in the Andrew Wiles building

Books + Ideas — March 2014

On Friday I made my first visit to the Mathematical Institute's shiny new Andrew Wiles building (on the old Radcliffe Infirmary site). The occasion was a talk by Thomas Stocker, co-chair of the IPCC AR5 Working Group 1, presenting an overview of their recently published report (that's the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's The Physical Science Basis). more

Clytemnestra - the Oxford Greek Play

Books + Ideas — November 2011

On Friday Camilla and I went to see the "Oxford Greek Play" Clytemnestra (actually Aeschylus' The Libation-bearers, or Choephoroi). more

wolves and dogs at skeptics in the pub

Books + Ideas — September 2011

I went along last Wednesday to an Oxford Skeptics in the Pub meeting, held in the COPA bar on George St. John Bradshaw gave a talk "A sheep in wolf's clothing?", which basically summarised his book In Defense of Dogs (published in the US as Dog Sense: How the New Science of Dog Behavior Can Make You A Better Friend to Your Pet). more

insanely eclectic

Books + Ideas — May 2011

Following a decision to take more advantage of living in a university town, in May I went to thirty odd lectures and seminars. more

Israel, Palestine and the Mahabharata

Books + Ideas — May 2011

Today's talks were by James Hegarty - "Telling the World: Exploring the Cultural and Intellectual Agenda of the Sanskrit Mahabharata " (blurb) - and Benny Morris - "Israel and Palestine - Is it too late for the Two States Solution?". more

9 Thermidor and the Origins of Life

Books + Ideas — May 2011

I went to two talks today, one a small Earth Sciences seminar and the other a big "annual special lecture" of the Faculty of History. more

Neanderthals, Aurignacians and carbon dating

Books + Ideas — April 2011

On Saturday Camilla and I went a series of five lectures on "Neanderthals and Modern Humans". This was hosted by the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit and after the lectures we were given a tour of their lab and got to see the accelerator. more

Oxford seminars + lectures

Books + Ideas, Oxford — April 2011

Between Oxford University, the museums, and an assortment of other research institutions, there's an excellent range of talks, lectures and seminars on in Oxford. more

random seminars

Books + Ideas — February 2011

On Tuesday I went to two seminars. The first was on microsimulation of traffic flows, in the e-Research centre. This was interesting, but pretty superficial - it felt more like a sales pitch than any kind of academic presentation. more

Cosma Shalizi and the Babbage Engine

Books + Ideas — October 2010

My friend Cosma came to Oxford to give a talk, so I spent Sunday afternoon showing him around town. more

Disease Eradication + Hebrew Manuscripts

Books + Ideas — April 2010

I went to two very different but fascinating events today. more

Oxford Blog << Travelogues << Danny Yee